What is a Weed?
To prevent negative impacts to our economy, environment and social values it is vitally important to respond rapidly to new and emerging weeds, while preventing introduction of new weeds to our region.
Plants often become weeds because they spread rapidly, out-compete other plants, are prolific seeders and are invasive, costing the Australian community in excess of $3 billion a year. Over two thirds of our weeds were introduced legally for ornamental purposes. Every year at least 12 new species become naturalised somewhere in Australia. Of these, at least four become significant or major weeds.
Weeds are a problem because they have one or more of the following undesirable properties: They out-compete other species, are harmful to stock or humans, taint or contaminate produce, cause allergies, increase fire hazards, interfere with agricultural practices, cause or encourage soil erosion, cause damage to the natural environment and waterways.
Council continues to undertake strategic inspections for regionally and state recognised priority weeds across the county. This includes inspection of high risk areas to ensure new weed incursions are detected and controlled early, before they are allowed to establish.