Main pest species are Hudson pear (Cylindropuntia rosea) and Devil’s rope pear (Cylindropuntia imbricata). The photograph is of Cylindropuntia imbricata. Plants of both species are similar in appearance. Both are very spiny and are readily distributed by stem or immature fruit fragments which root when they come in contact with the ground. Spines can cause injury to humans and animals and the plants impede the movement of stock and reduce productivity of pasture and stock carrying capacity. Control is by biological control agents and herbicide application. Physical removal of small plants is possible but poses a risk of serious injury. Integrated weed management techniques are necessary for effective control.
Click on the following link to watch a video on ‘how to identify Prickly Pear’ – Macquarie Valley & Lachlan Valley Weeds Authority Committees
Department Primary Industries – NSW WeedWise – Prickly Pear
Macquarie Valley & Lachlan Valley Weeds Authority Committees – Prickly Pear